Improvement: Added context menu for song display (for those who cannot remember shortcut keys - use M to get to the new context menu) Improvement: better detection of end of page in song display and changed PTO to.
Improvement: Added option to export entire set to pdf for printing Improvement: Export to pdf has been reworked Improvement: changed the general colour scheme of display and tablet settings (should make the songs readable in dim and bright light)

Bug fix: Reset display/print/tablet settings if there are invalid values in the config file (will help prevent corrupt settings files) Improvement: Better display settings and file settings page layout Improvement: Code improvements to rendering song on page Bug fix: Allow users to search for songs that start with numbers (entering numbers while selecting the song list did not work) Improvement: Allow users to search songs via quotes Improvement: Allow user to set colors of all elements that make up the song (heading color, chord color etc) Improvement: Pressing F5 in Display Mode will now refresh the Set/Song displayed (useful if you using Dropbox for syncing between people) Added basic web interface that you deploy on a webserver Note: you will need to resave old sets in order for them to work properly (since the file format changed, just add and remove a song and switch to another set)
Depreciation: removed the web component from install until I can find a simple way for it to be deployed (not using IIS) Improvement: Set changes are no longer autosaved, you are asked if you want to save changes Improvement: No longer need to change screen width/height in settings when changing screen resolutions Improvement: Added chord line detection (if you have an intro piece with just chords it should be detected as just chords) Improvement: You now have much more choice on lyrics/chord fonts when presenting songs Improvement: Set format changed from a simple text list to xml format Improvement: Added tempo and time signature settings to pdf exports

Improvement: You can now disable the please turn over text in present mode Improvement: Merged notes into a single file (since song notes are usually shared among the entire music team) Improvement: Discarded dual columns option to allow more than just 2 columns of lyrics text Improvement: Added shortcut keys to song editor to change song key/capo (Ctrl+= and Ctrl+-) Improvement: Added menu at the top of the presentation screen with all options of modifying the song Improvement: Changed song editor layout to be more intuitive